April 14, 2007

April showers bring May flowers!!

Hello, it's the middle of April and we have had Emma for 50 days! It seems like just yesterday that she was put into our arms. PTL she is home safe and sound.

Emma is a very vivacious little two year old! We were told that she was kept quiet because of her heart, but I see no stopping this little one! She loves any physical activity...swinging both in the swing and from someones arms, climbing...she is a little mountain goat, dancing...any music starts her body swaying and finding her way up the stairs! We have grown those eyes in the back of our heads in order to keep track of her as well as gated every possible opening much to the furry friends and humans dismay.

She had her evaluation at Cincinnati Children Adoption Center and it is a wonderful place! The people were great and they tried to make Emma feel comfortable. She had several vials of blood drawn as well as a TB test and various developmental observations. Health wise she is in great shape except for her heart. No parasites or TB. Developmentally she is a bit delayed and who wouldn't be if you were kept from doing any physical activity! :) She is catching up fast!! She loves to try new words and seems to understand many of the words I say. She is strong willed, but not overly so. Emma loves to be hugged and kissed and will give them out as well. She has a favorite toy, a stuffed pink pig! I guess she knew it was the year of the PIG in China! LOL :)

Daddy is her favorite, besides me. She loves it when he comes into the room or comes in from work. Her squeals or joy are so sweet!! He even gets called DADA! We are still waiting for her to call me mommy or some variation. I think she gets confused with EMMA and MAMA. I may have to come up with a new name for myself. :)

Her first Easter was spent with her whole family! Yes, the crew from Ct. came out for a week to meet their new baby sister. It was a full house and we had some wonderful times together. My grandbabies got to meet their Auntie Emma. :)

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