March 8, 2008

The Blizzard of 2008

Well, as the title states, we have just come through a two day snow storm, labeled a blizzard, by Ohio standards! While it is the most snow we have seen in almost three years, about 14", this is a common snow storm back in Ct. Way back in 1978, when by first child was only 7 months old, we had a huge blizzard. We were living in Ma. at the time and we were shut down for five days!! Try shouvling 4 feet of snow! It's was a good thing we were young and thought it was a great adventure. Then in the year 2000 my oldest daughter was getting married. Her wedding date was Dec. 31st and guess what, we had a blizzard!!!! We had to cancel the limo and call up everyone who had 4-wheel drive! In the end, almost everyone came out and it was the most beautiful wedding ever. But, I have warned the other five ladies in my home that there will be no more winter weddings!! Photos to come!!


Robin said...

gotta love Ohio weather. :0)

Anonymous said...


I have seen the foto's of your family. Those girls are beautifull.

Liesbeth '
The Netherlands
(from the yahoo qianjiang group)